The text is aiming to appeal to an audience consisting of adult men. The reason for them being adult is the fact that there is a lot of violence incorporated in the movie causing it to be an 18 rated film. The film is also based on a very manly subject, this is why it is also aiming at men as they prefer violent and action movies over romance or comedies. The secondary target audience could be adult women also who may be interested in the topic of football hooliganism or who may even like the actors within the movie.The audience of the movie could be assumed to be football mad guys who support a specific team themselves. Or they could also be seen as people who are open-minded to such movies and to violence. The audience is assumed to be attracted mainly to the film's storyline rather than who made it or who is starring in it. However, seeing a movie that has Elijah Wood within it alongside British actors for the first time could prove interesting also.
As this is a Hollywood movie, the audience could be considered to be large as it would have been distributed in well known cinema's whereas if it was a independent film it may not have done as well. I had no assumptions of the movie before I saw it because I had never seen anything like it before. It was enjoyable because it takes the audience on a journey along with Matt Buckner who is also new to the life of football hooliganism. It helped me to see different perspectives of these peoples lives and see what causes them to enter the world of 'football hooliganism'. It incorporated everything that I would expect from action/drama movie...
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