Sunday 4 November 2007

Blog Buddies

Blog Buddy 1: Lamia

The reason that I have chosen Lamia as my blog buddy is because our studies are both based on 'representation'. She is doing a study on the representation of young black males and I'm doing a study on 'football hooligans' who are also males. I think that this will be useful for the both of us because our studies are very similar and I think that it will also be useful with our 'representation' module to see how people are labelled and for what reasons.

Blog Buddy 2: Simran

The reason that I have chosen Simran as my blog buddy is because we are both doing similar studies which are both based around British males. Also our question is very similar as it looks at whether the representation and stereotype of the groups being studied are actually true. The texts that we are usuing are also very similar to each other and therefore it will be useful for us to work together.

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